This is probably the first beer that has been recommended to me so far in 2011 and luckily it's from a trusted source. I'm always reluctant to try new beers that only come in 6 pack form (see last review) but it just so happens that the LCBO near my work had a few of the bottles for sale individually. I'm not sure what happened, maybe a bottle disappeared or shattered, and now that means I could buy 2 bottles for $4.60. I now wonder... where is that mysterious 6th bottle? This should be pitched as the beginning of a plot-line at the new Pixar board meeting - seeing as most CGI cartoons are probably enjoyed more by adults than kids anyways (like, did you see see "Up"? It's only aimed at kids because they don't understand what makes that beginning montage sadder than an orphan's funeral) I'm getting off topic, let's get back on it.
I've had some Brooklyn beers before, specifically the Black Chocolate Stout which I'm almost certain I reviewed not too long ago. It was pretty good and I think that this is an all around decent brewery. Their website is pretty helpful and looks nice. Now, about this beer, it is Pre-Prohibition style, which basically means the recipe dates back to the 1800s. Their flagship beer, with an amber colour, it has a deep core of maltiness with a bit of bitterness and hop action. There's a lot more to the explanation which isn't really that interesting to try and paraphrase for whoever is reading this. From what I gather though, this will be a fairly caramel-like sweet beer that has a bitter hoppy kick in the aftertaste. I hope it isn't THAT sweet though as I am craving something bitter. The website also recommends pairing it with basically meat.
This stuff pours out very nicely. It has a perfect yellow and orange glow to it. First sip. Very interesting. I need another. Well, it's definitely fizzy and it's definitely a lager. I wouldn't say it's necessary light, however it is damn smooth and pleasant. I am actually extremely pleased with how there is barely any sweetness to it considering how malty it supposedly is. I feel like I taste more of a hoppy bitterness than a maltiness, but I swear this is not a super hoppy IPA style drink. I am thoroughly impressed. Reminds me a bit of the Muskoka Premium Lager but with a lot more going on. More flavour, more aftertaste, essentially more of a bite to it.
Just took a bite of haddock and then a swig of this stuff and I've got two words for you: Fucken Right. That tasted awesome. Totally brought out the hoppy flavour. This is a great beer. Probably the best lager I've ever had.
90%: Best lager I've ever had. The malty core is really not that sweet and gives it a beautiful amber glow. The beer tastes like a great refreshing lager with hints of hops and a bitter finish that is as smooth as it interesting. Extremely delicious with food as well as it brings out the hops a bit more.
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